How do you dispose of face masks ?
Dispose them appropriately and perform hand hygiene immediately afterwards. If medical masks are worn, appropriate use and disposal is essential to ensure they are effective and to avoid any increase in risk of transmission associated with the incorrect use and disposal of masks.
- Are the elderly more vulnerable to the coronavirus disease?
- Are the symptoms of coronavirus disease the same as for patients with Tuberculosis?
- At what point are COVID-19 patients most infective?
- Can COVID-19 enter into the body by the hands?
- Can I breastfeed my child if I am severely ill with coronavirus disease?
- Can I breastfeed my child if I am severely ill with coronavirus disease?
- Can I drink alcohol during the coronavirus disease pandemic?
- Can a patient spread the coronavirus disease even after symptoms disappear?
- Can breast milk transmit the coronavirus disease?
- Can cold weather and snow prevent the coronavirus disease?
- Can coronavirus disease spread through food?
- Can coronavirus disease spread through food?
- Can coronavirus spread through mosquito bite?
- Can drinking alcohol help in preventing COVID-19?
- Can people recover from coronavirus disease?
- Can people recover from coronavirus disease?
- Can smoking waterpipes spread the coronavirus disease?
- Can the coronavirus disease be transmitted in hot or humid climates?
- Can you get the coronavirus disease from touching contaminated surfaces?
- Can you get the coronavirus disease through kissing?
- Do vaccines against pneumonia protect against the coronavirus disease?
- Does BCG vaccine protect you from getting the coronavirus disease?
- Does COVID-19 survive in sewage?
- Does drinking lots of water help flush out COVID-19?
- Does heat kill the coronavirus?
- How can I protect myself and others when using disinfectants?
- How dangerous is COVID-19?
- How did the coronavirus disease start?
- How long do COVID-19 patients need to be isolated for?
- How to prevent coronavirus disease infection?
- Is coronavirus a bacteria or virus?
- Is coronavirus disease zootonic?
- Is headache a symptom of the coronavirus disease?
- Is runny nose a symptom of the coronavirus disease?
- Is the coronavirus disease more severe than the flu?
- Is there asymptomatic transmission of the coronavirus disease?
- Should I wear a mask during the coronavirus disease pandemic?
- Should I wear a mask during the coronavirus disease pandemic?
- Should coronavirus disease patients be isolated in hospitals?
- What are the dangers of smoking my waterpipe during the coronavirus disease pandemic?
- What happens when you get the coronavirus disease?
- What is a safe distance from others to protect against the coronavirus disease?
- What is the purpose of medical masks?
- What is the recovery time for the coronavirus disease?
- What is the recovery time for the coronavirus disease?
- What is the treatment for the coronavirus disease?
- What is the usual body temperature in coronavirus disease patients?
- What percentage of patients with COVID-19 need to be hospitalized?
- Which are the most common symptoms of the coronavirus disease?
- Who is at risk for coronavirus?
- Who is more likely to get seriously ill from the coronavirus disease?
- Will I get more severe symptoms of COVID-19 if I drink alcohol?
- Will climate change make the COVID-19 pandemic worse?