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50 very interesting mythological topics


  • Creation Myths: Explore various cultures' beliefs about the origin of the world.
  • Trickster Figures: Characters like Loki (Norse), Anansi (African), or Coyote (Native American).
  • Epic Heroes: Such as Gilgamesh, Hercules, or Beowulf.
  • Underworld Journeys: Like Orpheus and Eurydice or the descent of Inanna.
  • Dragon Myths: From the European dragon to the Chinese dragon.

  • Phoenix: A mythical bird that rises from its own ashes.

  • Sirens and Mermaids: Enchanting creatures of the sea.

  • Fairy Folklore: Explore the world of fairies, pixies, and sprites.

  • The Minotaur: Half-man, half-bull, a creature of Greek mythology.

  • Norse Pantheon: Beyond Odin and Thor, delve into lesser-known Norse gods.

  • Shapeshifters: Creatures or gods with the ability to change their form.
  • The Trojan War: Legendary conflict from Greek mythology.
  • Atlantis: The lost city that has captured imaginations for centuries.

  • Celtic Mythology: Explore tales of Celtic gods and goddesses.

  • Japanese Yokai: Mythical creatures from Japanese folklore.

  • Rainbow Serpent: An important figure in Aboriginal Australian mythology.

  • Pandora's Box: The tale of the first woman and her forbidden curiosity.

  • The Monkey King: Sun Wukong from Chinese mythology.

  • Anubis: The jackal-headed god of the afterlife in Egyptian mythology.

  • Chimera: A fire-breathing monster with the body of a lion, goat, and serpent.

  • Ereshkigal: Queen of the Underworld in Sumerian mythology.

  • The Mabinogion: Welsh medieval tales of mythology.
  • Mesoamerican Deities: Learn about gods like Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca.
  • Doppelgangers: Mythical beings or entities that mimic others.
  • The Mahabharata: Epic narrative of ancient India with gods and heroes.
  • African Anansi Stories: Tales of the clever spider from West African folklore.
  • The Wild Hunt: A spectral phenomenon in European mythology.
  • Djinn and Genies: Supernatural beings from Middle Eastern mythology.
  • Greek Tragedies: Stories of gods and mortals in tragic situations.
  • Asgard and Midgard: Realms in Norse mythology.
  • Navajo Creation Story: Origin myth of the Navajo people.
  • Gorgons: Creatures like Medusa from Greek mythology.
  • The Ramayana: Ancient Indian epic featuring the hero Rama.
  • The Green Man: A symbol of rebirth in Celtic and medieval European mythology.
  • The White Buffalo Calf Woman: A sacred figure in Lakota mythology.
  • Achilles' Heel: The vulnerable point of the Greek hero Achilles.
  • The Churning of the Ocean: A Hindu myth about the creation of the elixir of immortality.
  • The Fisher King: Arthurian legend of the wounded king and the Holy Grail.
  • Kappa: Water creatures from Japanese folklore.
  • The Epic of Sundiata: West African epic of the founder of the Mali Empire.
  • The Sword in the Stone: Part of the Arthurian legend.
  • The White Stag: Mythical creature often appearing in European folklore.
  • The Rainbow Bridge: Asgard's connection to Midgard in Norse mythology.
  • The Monkey and the Crocodile: A popular folk tale in various cultures.
  • The Morrigan: Celtic goddess associated with war and fate.
  • The Enchanted Mirror: Folklore motif found in various cultures.
  • The Four Symbols: Chinese constellations representing mythological creatures.
  • The Sleeping Giant: Myths about giants sleeping beneath the earth.
  • Huitzilopochtli: Aztec god of war and the sun.
  • The Twelve Labors of Hercules: Heroic tasks assigned to Hercules in Greek mythology.

Creation Myths, Trickster Figures, Epic Heroes, Underworld Journeys, Dragon Myths, Phoenix, Sirens and Mermaids, Fairy Folklore, The Minotaur, Norse Pantheon, Shapeshifters, The Trojan War, Atlantis, Celtic Mythology, Japanese Yokai, Rainbow Serpent, Pandora's Box, The Monkey King, Anubis, Chimera, Ereshkigal, The Mabinogion, Mesoamerican Deities, Doppelgangers, The Mahabharata, African Anansi Stories, The Wild Hunt, Djinn and Genies, Greek Tragedies, Asgard and Midgard, Gorgons, The Ramayana, The Green Man, The White Buffalo Calf Woman, Achilles' Heel, The Churning of the Ocean, The Fisher King, Kappa, The Epic of Sundiata, The Sword in the Stone, The White Stag, The Morrigan, The Sleeping Giant, Huitzilopochtli, The Twelve Labors of Hercules